It is now pretty apparent one of the icons of wholesomeness during my youth and young adulthood, Bill Cosby, was actually all the while a sexually abusive monster; Bill Clinton really did inhale, and used the Oval Office to prey on a young lady for his sexual gratification as well; and Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of my country for the past nine years, appears to have lied and deceived Canadians so often over the term he has held the reigns of power that it's actually somehow come to seem normal to get screwed by the government he leads. I think it's sadly well beyond the point that such unethical and abusive conduct seems expected by the masses from the leadership We get from our elected politicians and societal role models nowadays; mass cynicism attests to it.
Have humans really always been so corrupt and deceitful in intents or is this a phenomenon of contemporary times? Sadly, history makes it evident it is a perpetuation of abhorrence, rather than the birth of it, in "civilized" society. History does indeed repeat itself, time and time again, and I suspect it will continue to do so for so long as human beings the world over focus on the differences between us, be those race, colour, religion, age, sex, or sexual orientation, rather than on the similarities and commonalities we share together as Homo Sapiens.
Donald Trump wants to build a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico, and undoubtedly it won't be long before the xenophobia he proselytizes turns its attention North. Renewed calls for "Manifest Destiny" are certainly not beyond the possible with men of his ilk. The Republican campaign is even targeting "Anchor children" within it's own borders now; sending chills down my spin from the nauseatingly recognizable similarities in the divisive discourse and arrogant sense of superiority that has been echoed in every genocidal agenda pursued through the annals of mankind.
In Europe walls and fences are already being erected in an effort to stem the tide of "illegal" migrants swarming into Europe from war-torn states like Syria and drought ravaged countries across Africa. More than 350,000 people have made the harrowing journey toward freedom and a better, safer life this year alone, and no small number have perished trying along the way as well. Today there are more than 50,000,000 people living in Refugee Camps around the globe; displaced by warfare, religious persecution, droughts and famines.
Let those seven zeros sink in for a moment, as you imagine yourself as but one person amongst them. Don't be deceived by delusions of gene pools and birthrights, nor so arrogant and ignorant as to believe that life and your experience of living it could not be turned on its head in an instant. Life and its circumstances are ever-changing and you could well find yourself one amongst the marginalized and disenfranchised were the political system and/or economic system to fail, both for you personally and for society as a whole as well. Both are not only likely, but inevitable too - it's only a matter of when, not if, as demonstrated by the waxing and waning of peoples and nations throughout all past millenniums and during the one we live now as well.
Affluenza not only breeds contempt for those poorer off it seems, but also a delusional sense of inflated self-worth and invincibility. Time and again it is evidenced by historical record that when wealth is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few the vast majority of human beings suffer hardships portionately beyond all possible measure. Sooner or later those masses rise up and cut the heads off the snakes in their midst. Generosity of spirit in words and deeds is the only antidote that can stave off the executioners, but typically arrives too meek and mild, not to mention too late.
The world We live in is not in a good place today. Millions of souls are suffering unspeakable burdens because of the greed, detachment and denial of the "Haves" and their lack of compassion and appreciation for the gravity of the depravity that millions upon millions of "Have-nots" experience every day. The tide of the marginalized and disenfranchised will not be stemmed without a corresponding expansion of atrocities to address it. Those inhumane actions in turn will serve only to motivate with increased resolve those who feel they have nothing to lose and everything to gain by taking from those who chose not to give and share from the good fortune evident within their plenty.
I am appalled and enraged that I live at a time when it is apparent more and more with each passing day that "Christians" of all stripes are failing miserably in demonstrating they are any good at all at practicing what their Scriptures" preach; Some "Muslims" are bastardizing their religion for extremist political ends by lopping off heads; and racism, unemployment and disenfranchisement of tens of millions of people shines renewed light on unresolved systematic and systemic discrimination in the "free" nations of the West that shatter all illusions of their egalitarian and democratic designs and intents.
The time is nigh for serious leadership and unbridled altruism and integrity in the words and deeds of leaders representing political communities everywhere on the globe. It is achievable because it is imaginable. From great minds can come an abundance of good for all if that is the aim. "High expectations equal high results and low expectations equal no results". It is long past time that our "leaders" start getting that, and are held to account when it's obvious that they don't.
It is indeed time for change! It does not matter which party comes to power next in this country or any other. What does matter is that they must lead with truth, transparency, compassion and humble servitude. That goes for all of them! Achieve that and in doing so it will prove you are worthy of being entrusted to lead the people toward their good governance and welfare. Any less and you may as well put your neck on the chopping block and await the falling of the axe. We deserve far better than We have been getting from our leaders on any given day.
The time is drawing closer and the cooking pots are coming to a boil once again. Will it be snake stew on the menu once more, or will the affluent decide to generously take from what excess they possess to offer up to the benefit of the less fortunate other menu choices instead? Either way the appetite will be quenched. For the affluent the question is simple: would you like the future served up with or without your heads attached?