Monday, December 18, 2017

Canada - An Insensate Society

There is no question that on the whole Canada, for all the proselytizing to the contrary, is a brutal society that far too frequently proves to be lacking in good sense and humane decency. From all indications in the state's propaganda and media there are few, if any, other nations that are any better, but there is no solace in being at the top of a putrid pile. The fact is that be it in the municipal, provincial or federal spheres, Good Governance is not being achieved and altruistic leadership is dismal. Cynicism festers wherever it has not been replaced with disdain and outright contempt within its citizenry. Now in its 150th year of nationhood, the country and its culture are in desperate need of a major overhaul if there is to be any possibility for it to thrive in the future. 

Affluence abounds, and with it proportional ignorance and callousness as the gap between the haves and have-nots grows steadily from a fissure to a canyon. In Vancouver there has been an increase in homelessness of 30% in the past year, with some 3,500 people now living in tents or sleeping on the streets. I suspect that number is under-estimated and also only captures the dire circumstances reported for one municipality. It is a growing population from coast-to-coast-to-coast. It is estimated that 3 million households live precariously on meagre means and C.T.V. reported that in 2016 there were an estimated 235,000 homeless Canadians, and another 50,000 who rely on family or friends to provide them with shelter. I am one of them. In the face of such staggering numbers of fellow human beings enduring such hardship is the reality that there are no shortage of livable spaces that could house them. On any given day I would wager there are at least ten times as many Motorhomes and 5th wheel trailers sitting empty, with their owners paying to store them in gated lots so they can use them on vacations for a couple or a few weeks each summer. The majority will be worn out while sitting idle through the passing of seasons more than they will be from wear and tear through utilization. It is resource wastefulness and absurdity on the grandest of scales! 

On April 12th, 2017 the Parliament of Canada bestowed honorary citizenship upon Nobel Peace Prize co-winner, Malala Yousafzai with much pomp and ceremony, not to mention tax dollars spent. I wish to take nothing away from Malala's human rights activism and her championing of girls education. There is no question that globally it is a pressing need for millions and she is a wonderful soul doing what she can to encourage positive change. That said, the theatre on display in Parliament and the ovations from M.P.s during her speech reeks of hypocrisy, to say the least. 

1 in 7 Canadians - nearly 5 million people - live in poverty today. An estimated 2 million seniors live on less that $17,000 per year, while the most basic standard of living is calculated at $18,000 per year for a single person. 3 million children live in poverty and fully 40% of indigenous children in the country are living in poverty. Precarious employment has risen by 50% in the past two decades. In the past 25 years the population in the country has risen by 30% while national investment in housing has declined by 46%. It has been reported that the average earnings of the least wealthy Canadians has declined by more than 20% in that same period. A staggering 8 out of 10 provinces saw an increase in food bank usage in 2016, and 1 in 10 Canadians cannot afford to fill their medical prescriptions. 

Unless and until Canadian politicians effectively address the deficiencies in their own homeland the pretentiousness of their leadership will remain the reality of optics on display. Members of Parliament, Members of Legislative Assemblies and municipal Councils need to stop patting themselves on the back for achieving such horrific leadership results. They need to pull up their socks, and get busy working to solve the very serious and life-threatening socio-economic challenges faced every hour of every day by millions of their fellow Canadians. There has been far too much political grandstanding and far too little progress achieved. There is no longer reason for pride in Canada. There is ample evidence for reasons to feel shame though, and that needs to change. We do not need flowery speeches and the bestowing of honorary citizenships. We need citizens and politicians with honour and integrity, who see and feel the urgency in the lives of those they serve and work diligently and tirelessly to produce a more compassionate and successful nation worthy of celebration. 

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